Category: Maine

  • Boater’s Guide to Maine

    Boater’s Guide to Maine

    Arriving by boat to the coast of Maine for the first time is like landing on an alien planet. At least it was for this Florida boy, who had never been to the state before by land or sea.  Everything is different in Vacationland: You don’t worry about sandbars, you worry about rock ledges. There…

  • Maine Anchorage: Buckle Harbor, Jericho Bay

    Maine Anchorage: Buckle Harbor, Jericho Bay

    Buckle Harbor, Maine seems like a tight anchorage next to a nondescript island. However, a closer look reveals a cozy harbor, all-tide beach, and a small network of trails with whimsical surprises. Buckle Harbor is in a perfect location and is near Mount Desert Island, Eggemoggin Reach, and Penobscot Bay. It’s a great spot for…

  • Maine Anchorage: Seal Bay, Penobscot Bay

    Maine Anchorage: Seal Bay, Penobscot Bay

    Seal Bay is an all-around favorite anchorage for those exploring Penobscot Bay by boat. There are many different anchoring possibilities with all-around protection. Cruisers, day-trippers, and weekenders all enjoy the tranquil surroundings, wildlife watching, low-tide sandbars, and trail access. This secluded area does not have any nearby shopping, groceries, restaurants or services. However, if you…